Many musicians get tempted to belittle their competition. I think its a poor choice professionally , to go and talk trash about other genres or other bands and musicians. This goes for people who work in sound as well. I remember not too long ago, I found a Tumblr blog by a local sound technician at a popular music venue here in town. He said his least favorite part about his job was "having to work Country shows". My reaction was, buddy, maybe you're in the wrong business? If you're that petty about a certain genre that you find it difficult to run sound, maybe you shouldn't be running sound at all! I know there are a lot of heated discussions on music and musical taste. Its highly subjective in many ways. We need to come to some sort of middle ground, where musicians can at least respect what we do, regardless of how off putting their style of music may be to them. I got pretty offended by the sound guy's statements regarding Country music. But isn't that a waste of time? Who is he anyway? We need to pick and choose our battles wisely.
I , for one, really do not care for Jazz, Heavy Metal, or the Rap and Hip Hop genres. I will never disparage them however, nor make sarcastic quips about how it all sounds the same. There is talent in all kinds of music. I can respect them as performers, and leave it at that. Part of being a musician, is good sportsmanship. Or as we call it , "showmanship". This goes not only according to our preference for genres over others, but also the individual performers. I try not to bash other bands on the local scene, in particular. Though tempting as it may be. The hardcore/emo/punk bands that seem to really be everywhere. I'm sure they can't stand what I do. And to be honest, what they do is not really my liking either. But I may even go out and support them if I can. I have come across a lot of people who have a very negative attitude in music and in art. And it really isn't helpful to be creative in any process, when you're that super critical of something. It tends to bring everybody down that way. Practice being the best you can at what you do. If you open your mind, you can find a little something to appreciate in all styles of music! Make the music you like- and don't really worry about what the others are doing, what they like/don't like, or what they think. Its just common sense. What you put out, you get in return!
I , for one, really do not care for Jazz, Heavy Metal, or the Rap and Hip Hop genres. I will never disparage them however, nor make sarcastic quips about how it all sounds the same. There is talent in all kinds of music. I can respect them as performers, and leave it at that. Part of being a musician, is good sportsmanship. Or as we call it , "showmanship". This goes not only according to our preference for genres over others, but also the individual performers. I try not to bash other bands on the local scene, in particular. Though tempting as it may be. The hardcore/emo/punk bands that seem to really be everywhere. I'm sure they can't stand what I do. And to be honest, what they do is not really my liking either. But I may even go out and support them if I can. I have come across a lot of people who have a very negative attitude in music and in art. And it really isn't helpful to be creative in any process, when you're that super critical of something. It tends to bring everybody down that way. Practice being the best you can at what you do. If you open your mind, you can find a little something to appreciate in all styles of music! Make the music you like- and don't really worry about what the others are doing, what they like/don't like, or what they think. Its just common sense. What you put out, you get in return!
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