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Showing posts from December, 2017

Christmas Wishes from Meade !

What a glorious Christmas this has turned out to be! I was worried because Daddy had broken his arm and is recovering still from surgery. We got a smaller tree , a smaller dinner, and decorations. Yet, somehow I found that Christmas spirit more so than in recent years. Maybe its because Donald Trump is in the White House this year! We can say "Merry Christmas" again, Y'all! I went to Christmas Eve services last night at both the Baptist and Episcopal churches. This Christmas I got a Nintendo set! I've been wanting one for a long time. It brings back childhood memories. I can't wait to play Castlevania and Metroid ! The Nintendo games will help inspire new songs in me. Here are some pictures of yours truly. Merry Christmas to all my fans!

Meade Skelton Christmas Special is Here !

Howdy Folks! My Christmas special for You Tube is now here. I  hope it may touch in some special way, and I hope you enjoy watching it. It was a lot of fun putting this small piece together. Grab some egg nog!