Yes, I am kinfolk with Wayne Newton! Well, we are pretty distant cousins- something like 7th , once removed. But we have the same lineage. We both trace back to the same Indian tribe , and the Newton line from Virginia. Wayne is also a member of the Patawomeck Indian tribe, and Cherokee. It is through the Patawomeck Indians we're connected! Its funny, but in his earlier days, I noticed a slight resemblance. My Dad used to say "Hey, he looks a lot like you!" Especially in his appearance on the "Lucy Show". Although Wayne is a bit taller than I am (he stands 6'2, and I'm a mere 5'10 and 1/2) I often wondered if K.D. Lang copied his style in those early days. Wayne puts on a great Vegas show- and anyone who questions his talent is quite ignorant. Not only can he sing, he is a multi instrumentalist. Wayne was born in Roanoke, and grew up in Norfolk. Since Wayne suffered from allergies, his family moved him from the heat and humidity of Virginia to a more dry climate in Arizona when he was still a teenager.
Wayne on the Lucy Show: does he remind you of someone?
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